Pastor Tom Sharpe

In my early twenties, I was invited to attend a Lutheran church. I did not know what to expect. But, when I reflect on this time in my life, I realize my faith life began in that church. I started on a quest to better understand God and His Son, Jesus. I am not sure why. I just knew there had to be more to knowing God than simply joining a church or subscribing to a set of doctrinal points within a denomination.

The turning point for me was beginning to understand the Gospel and what it meant that Jesus spent His life, and then gave His life, for me. Everything came together when I understood there was nothing I could do to earn salvation because Jesus had done it for me. Jesus bought everlasting life for me, and for you, with His death and resurrection.  

When I understood the importance of what Jesus had done, I felt God was calling me to be a pastor. I wanted to share this incredible mystery with others. I believed, and still believe, God’s love changes lives.

I also realized church is God's idea and He intends for church to be a blessing in our lives. God made us for relationships and Christ connects us to our Father in Heaven, and to fellow believers. Church is a place to belong. If you do not have a Church home, I want to encourage you to come and visit St. Matthew Church. God may have a plan to make you a part of His community here with us.”

Pastor Tom Sharpe



Elders help oversee the spiritual direction of the church. Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 5: 17-19; Titus 1: 5-9; and 1 Peter 5: 1-4 provide guidance about Elders. Elders work with Pastor to provide for the welfare of the congregation and Pastor’s well-being. The Elders meet regularly to provide support and prayer for members and assist Pastor in visiting those in need. They also assist Pastor with Communion service.

You are always welcome to speak with an Elder directly. You can also submit a request through the website comment form or contact the church office.


Like any organization, St. Matthew Church conducts its business with guidance from a church council. Elected officers work alongside Pastor and the Elders. Any member is welcome to attend council meetings and provide input to the council. Election of church council officers is held bi-annually during a Voters’ Meeting. Council minutes and by-laws are archived at the church office and are available to view.


Like any organization, St. Matthew Church conducts its business with guidance from a church council. Elected officers work alongside Pastor and the Elders. Any member is welcome to attend council meetings and provide input to the council. Election of church council officers is held bi-annually during a Voters’ Meeting. Council minutes and by-laws are archived at the church office and are available to view.

Book reading at St. Matthew Church


Elders help oversee the spiritual direction of the church. Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 5: 17-19; Titus 1: 5-9; and 1 Peter 5: 1-4 provide guidance about Elders. Elders work with Pastor to provide for the welfare of the congregation and Pastor’s well-being. The Elders meet regularly to provide support and prayer for members and assist Pastor in visiting those in need. They also assist Pastor with Communion service.

You are always welcome to speak with an Elder directly. You can also submit a request through the website comment form or contact the church office.

St. Matthew Elder 01

Doug Linze

St. Matthew Elder 04

Barbara Schmidt

St. Matthew Elder 03

Lonald Lott

St. Matthew Elder 06

Janelle Smith

St. Matthew Elder 05

John Guzzetta

Leisa Christensen


Like any organization, St. Matthew Church conducts its business with guidance from a church council. Elected officers work alongside Pastor and the Elders. Any member is welcome to attend council meetings and provide input to the council. Election of church council officers is held bi-annually during a Voters’ Meeting. Council minutes and by-laws are archived at the church office and are available to view.