KFUO is the official broadcast voice of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Tune into KFUO Radio –https://www.kfuo.org/
This blog is written by Lutherans for Lutherans and for anyone who wants to learn how to engage in today’s culture in a Christian manner. Our goal is to provide strength and encouragement so that Lutherans can have conversations with their families, neighbors, and in their vocations on relevant and important topics. Together we can learn to live in the world without being of the world and engage with others for the sake of the Gospel.
This blog maintains the anonymity of the majority of its authors so that the truth of the Word is at the center of focus and so that God alone is glorified.
For young adults, tune into “A Conversation with Flame, an American Lutheran (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Christian hip hop rapper and listen to what he says LCMS means to him: https://vimeo.com/855814622
Only have a few minutes? You can listen to an excerpt from “A Conversation with Flame,” an American Lutheran (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) Christian hip hop rapper: https://vimeo.com/851352578
Interested in visiting the birthplace of the Lutheran Reformation? Watch this two-part series and a narrated tour of Wittenberg:
“Tour the Cradle of the Lutheran Reformation – Part 1” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sW_IpfP6jY
Tour the Cradle of the Lutheran Reformation – Part 2” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D86nmq-2jxc
“Wittenberg, Germany: The City of Luther and the Reformation” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orCkpjKe7UA
Sunday services and short topical videos are available at: https://lhm.org
Daily devotions, podcasts and the Lutheran radio program can be accessed at: https://www.lhm.org, and the Lutheran quarterly magazine at: https://engage.lcms.org/.
Worship for Shut-Ins: a 30 minute Lutheran television worship service that includes the readings for the day, prayers and a Lutheran Pastor delivering a message that is one-on-one to the viewer. It includes choir selections and is closed captions for the hearing impaired. https://worshipanew.org/
Watch this two-part series and a narrated tour of Wittenberg: