Christian Nationalism


Pastor Tom Sharpe

What is the problem with Christian Nationalism? Christiannationalism subscribes to the idea that God shows favor to one nation asopposed to another. Many who subscribe to this view believe if a nation (theirnation) does what God wants He will bless it with prosperity and peace. They alsoascribe to the belief that if a nation fails to live under God’s rules, He willremove his favor.


Christianity cannot be reduced to a nation’s politics. InJohn 18:36, Jesus says his Kingdom is not of this world. God rules the churchby grace coming to us through the Holy Spirit. Lives are changed when the HolySpirit takes us to the cross in our failures. It is here we discover hisamazing grace. This is the work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and not thework of a government. It is Jesus who is the Head of the Kingdom, not anelected official or a democratic nation.


Many who subscribe to the view of Christian Nationalism havea legalistic understanding of Christianity. They tend to see Christianity asbased on rules. Of course, rules are important. One of the helpful roles of thegovernment is to create rules that protect us. But Christianity is not based onmen’s rules, but rather God’s two great commandments.


It is important that well-grounded people, of highintegrity, with the highest moral character lead nations. Healthy leaders areessential for all nations. They set a tone for the nation that permeates thesociety they serve.


God has given no instruction for how to achieve andmaintain a perfect government. All governments will have flaws. All nationswill struggle with doing what is right for their people. Yet through the HolySpirit, God is there to meet us in our frustrations bringing us to His grace inJesus Christ.    

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