How can being a negative person be an escape?


Pastor Tom Sharpe

Is it better to be a positive person or a negative personon our life journey? I think we all know the right answer. Even Scripture saysin Philippians 4:8, “Whatever is true, whatever, is lovely, whatever isadmirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.”


Why would someone embrace a negative attitude and focus onwhat is wrong with others and the world? When we focus outside ourselves, weare not focusing on ourselves. Being a negative person can be an escape. We canchoose not to look at ourselves and instead criticize others. This negativeapproach to life is very costly to the quality of our lives. It can rob us ofthe joy God wants to give us. We could stop right here with a word of law. Stopit with the negativity!


Digging a little deeper, what does God want to do for us?God has a different plan for us. He wants to give us grace to compensate forwhere we fall short. This is the heart of his message to us. We are loved andforgiven in Christ. We have been made right by the righteous life of Jesus. EmbracingGod’s love for us in Christ Jesus, puts us on the road towards a life thatfocuses on whatever is lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. It givesus joy and peace from Christ. It is the best life. .

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