Politics and Religion


Pastor Tom Sharpe

Psalm 146:3 “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.”

Can politics become like another religion? We as humans have a knack for putting our trust in something. We do this because we need to. Trust is not a given when we are born as sinful human beings. We need something or someone who can provide us with security. God gave us the answer to this all-important need – to trust in Him above all things. This is the first and most important commandment of life. 

Nonetheless, we can and do fail at putting God first in our lives. One place where we can put our trust is in our political party or political leaders. We can believe our political group has the truth that will fix all problems. We can come to a place of believing our party is the right political party and must take power at any cost. When we elevate the role of politics to this level is can be an indication that idolatry has found its way into our life. Idolatry can reveal itself when we believe our side has all the answers, is the good and right way, and other views and positions are simply wrong or even evil. The truth is that all pollical theories are flawed. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.  

What is God’s will, then? He desires all people come to Him through Jesus Christ. We cannot grow our spiritual life through politics no matter which pollical party we belong to. We deceive ourselves if we believe God is on the side of a particular party. God’s plan is to bring us back into a relationship with Him through His grace. The grace of God empowers us to let go of putting our ultimate trust in a political leader or party.  We can walk with Jesus and, through His grace, put our trust in Him on our life journey. 

In the table you can see Bible, Coffee and Eyeglass