Why is Pain Important in Our Lives?


Pastor Tom Sharpe

Why is pain important in our lives? God wants to grow us through painful events. Pain demands a response in our lives that will bring attention to parts of ourselves we would normally not be focused on.

Perhaps, you have heard the passage, Romans 8:28, “All things work for good to those who love God and been called according to his purposes.” All things do work together for the good, including painful life events.

When we are going through painful events, a prayer response is appropriate. Through prayer, we begin our growth journey. We are on our way to growing for good when we ask, “God how are you trying to grow me through this situation?” Our lives were given by God and when he becomes our primary focus, we grow according to his purposes.

Nonetheless, there is also danger in negative life experiences. We can fail to grow. We can become maladjusted after we experience pain, becoming hard-hearted, selfish, and fearful of more pain. Often this can happen by focusing not on God, but on something outside of us. It can cause us to blame and criticize others and ultimately develop an unforgiving heart.

In the final analysis, God must get the last word. He wants all life events to work for our good. He wants to build us up as His redeemed people in Christ bringing us His forgiveness as we forgive others. He wants to bring us security in Him rather than in this world. He wants all things to work for good for us.

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